Thursday, January 21, 2016

Udacity Lesson 3b--What I've Learned about AVAudioPath in Swift 2.0

Today I did Lesson 3a in Udacity. The course Intro to iOS Development with Swift, is an introduction to iOS development but does assume basic programming knowledge (such as if statements, methods, etc.). It is an introduction to iOS programming and the Swift language. Thus, with my background, many of the topics have been a review but a few things have been new and helpful to me.

One of those things has been using AVAudioPlayer. I hadn't used audio files before and this project has allowed me to become more comfortable using them.

If you want to add an audio file,  needs to be added to the Xcode project by clicking "File" and then on "Add File to 'Project Name'". There is no longer a "Supporting Files" folder so you can store you where you'd like to.

A Path must be created to access the file. Below is the code I use:

let path = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("movie_quote", ofType: "mp3")

This method stores the file as a string. It must be converted to an NSUrl object to use.            

The Swift syntax for this is: 

let fileUrl = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: path)

I created an AVAudioPlayer object outside of the viewDidLoad method so it could be accessed by my playQuoteQuickly and playQuoteSlowly methods. 

To initiate an instance of the audioPlayer object, I used the following syntax which required a NSUrl item:

audioPlayer = try! AVAudioPlayer(contentsOfURL: fileUrl)

After that, to be able to change the speed of the audio, the rate property had to enabled and used. It was pretty simple:

audioPlayer.enableRate = true

That allows you to change speeds to anything between 0.5 and 2.0. (e.g. audioPlayer.rate = 2.0)

Anyway, it was fun to learn to use AVAudioPlayer, something that was new to me. 


All Journeys Begin...With 1 Step

All journeys begin with a single step they say. I have taken my first steps and I will take more steps on my journey to become a full-stack mobile developer. I began my journey by attending the DevMountain After Hours iOS bootcamp in Provo, Utah learning Objective-C and I am continuing my journey by doing the Udacity iOS Nanodegree (with guaranteed job placement), Treehouse courses and Mark Price and Rob Percival's Udemy courses to build on what I've learned.

I want to document my journey so people realize it really is a journey. A change of career takes time, both in learning the new jargon but also the new way of thinking, and it's not easy. But, if one takes action each day, anything can be accomplished. It's just a matter of simple, consistent, daily action. This blog will reflect my efforts in doing that.